DjangoCon Sponsorship Program
September 05, 2011 | Tag: » DjangoCon, Sponsors
Announcing the results of the PyLadies' DjangoCon Sponsorship Program.
$4250 was raised, with 100% of it going to making it possible for female Django developers to attend DjangoCon. Specifically, excited and passionate developers who would not otherwise have attended (who happen to be women).
Here is a breakdown of how the money was used. For more details about this, see our PyLadies / DjangoCon US 2011 Sponsorship Program financial report (PDF download).
Thank you to the individuals and companies who sponsored the program:
Gold ($3000+)
Silver ($500+)
Steve Holden / The Open Bastion
Bronze ($150+)
Douglas Philips
Supporter ($50+)
Justin and Kristy Fields
Shawn Milochik
By Audrey Roy